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How to remove URLs with Percentage symbol from verifieds?

londonseolondonseo London, UK
@sven - I cant seem to find a way to easily search for verified URLs with the percentage symbol %  in them. Is this possible?


  • SvenSven
    hmm search in what part of the program?
  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    As in when I view verified URLs is there a way to search or select the URLs with the % symbol?
  • SvenSven
    sure, right click->select->by mask->*%*
  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    Thanks! I was doing that but didnt include the * symbol so it wasnt working.
  • Can unselect indexer engine from pr filtered list ?
  • SvenSven
    sorry but thats not related to this thread is it? Or I don'T understand that question.
  • show urls->verified->select->pr and then i want to unselect indexer engine from that list.

  • SvenSven
    just sort by the engine column and use ctrl/shift to deselect
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