GSA SEO indexer only has 5 - 7 indexes with proxies
I have some issues with GSA SEO Indexer. I never had this issue before so im wondering if it could be due to an update ?
I have loaded it up with 1000 private proxies.
When I check it to use 1000 private proxies it can only send my links to 5-7 sites.
when I uncheck the proxies it sends to hundreds of sites.
What should I do?
remove proxies and run it without them ? would my Servers ip get banned or listed in spamhaus or something like that ?
and what could be the cause of this issue that it doesnt work with my 1000 proxies. They are all anonymous global from all over the world. and work perfect with scrapebox / gsa ser.. but on seoindexer it's basically not doing anything.
maybe i should test it with blazingSEO proxies.. which i sadly unsubscribed to because of these 1000 i got now. so I cant really test it right now. so my question is is anyone else having this issue ?
I have some issues with GSA SEO Indexer. I never had this issue before so im wondering if it could be due to an update ?
I have loaded it up with 1000 private proxies.
When I check it to use 1000 private proxies it can only send my links to 5-7 sites.
when I uncheck the proxies it sends to hundreds of sites.
What should I do?
remove proxies and run it without them ? would my Servers ip get banned or listed in spamhaus or something like that ?
and what could be the cause of this issue that it doesnt work with my 1000 proxies. They are all anonymous global from all over the world. and work perfect with scrapebox / gsa ser.. but on seoindexer it's basically not doing anything.
maybe i should test it with blazingSEO proxies.. which i sadly unsubscribed to because of these 1000 i got now. so I cant really test it right now. so my question is is anyone else having this issue ?
This is a little off topic, but do you mind sharing how many urls you're able to process each day? I'm starting a new project and want to test out the Indexer again, and I'm curious about what's realistically possible.
I'm actually using 50 private proxies with this, looks like I might have to have a rethink!
150 threads
Full indexer mode
Use only sites that can index deep links
Check URL before submission
And my LPM rate hovers around the 160-170 mark.
I have no idea how many but I can say it's a lot.. the lpm is on 1800.. and I got full indexer checked on it.
It process one url in about 5-10 seconds.. so it's a buttload of links.
876 do follow and about 500+- no-follows in SEO indexer on 1 url
I've never used proxies, and I feel like there's no decrease in performance no matter how long I go. Why do you stop at 150 threads?
Should've been more clear. I mean if you have a list of 100k urls that you want to index, how many of those can you get through in 24 hours. If the indexer could do a url per second, that's something like 86k per day, but it feels unlikely you'd get performance like that. I'm running at 300 threads on a vps where I'm also running SER, and I've done about 4k urls in my first 24 hours of testing.
but yeah your right, everyday when i check ahrefs stats I see +- daily 900 url's incoming.. while I think i post like 80 vpm.. so very very low amount. But I rather think that in the end they get indexed, I still get reports of my other sites with new links even though I stopped that campaign 2 weeks ago