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Measure Success ratio

VMartVMart Natural SEO
1) How can I find low success rate engine
2) How can I find captcha breaker success ratio
3) What can be tell as captcha breaker service service2
4) I have read one article "Skip bing and MSN search engines no Google penalties apply for
other SE results" for ranking in Google w need to index in other search engines bing etc., is it advisible


  • SvenSven
    1) let it run for a while and then you can uncheck the engines based on success ratio in project options->right clcik on engine selection
    2) it's listed directly in CB itself. In SER you see the C: stats. The -XYZ means wrong solved captchas
    3) I don't understand that question
    4) SEO related question
  • VMartVMart Natural SEO
    1) You have told about uncheck low success ratio  engines..But i am asked
    about how can i find out the low success ratio engines for my
  • SvenSven
    The only way is the shown one in my previous answer
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