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multiple urls in the same project not posting multiple times to same sites

edited September 2012 in Need Help
I have 6 urls in the same project and I have unchecked the option "avoid posting url to the same domain twice". Now I have given a list of target urls to this project (1000 sites) and unchecked the search engine option as well as the using global lists option. GSA quickly posted a random url to these 1000 sites and then kind of stopped doing anything more. Pls tell me how I can make GSA to get me 6 x 1000 submissions as I do not mind each url getting the same 1000 links. One reason I can see is that the email mentioned in the project is used the first round of submissions and then GSA cannot post again to the same sites unless the email is changed. Is there a work around to this. As I have another upcoming project that has around 700 money site urls. It will be easy to import them into one project but that will not get me enough links. And creating 700 projects with 700 emails is going to be a herculean task. Pls help.


  • SvenSven
    Sorry but you have to do exactly this, create 700 projects. Most engines will only accept one submission on there site and not anything more. Even if they did, you don't want 700 sites on one page having all the same description/content/comment. It's not a good idea SEO wise.
  • Sven,
    Thanks for the quick reply. In my defence, all 700 links are not going to be on one page. Most forums and wiki sites will create a new page every time I post and they do not limit posting multiple urls from same money site to their forums. Also, the username and highly spun content will make them look completely different. Only limitation I see is the use of same email is not possible in some sites which do actual email verification (this can be made possible if spun email address is allowed in GSA. like {abc|def|ghi} All these email address can be made catchall to Also, if i select some option in GSA to allow multiple moneysite urls to posted to same site, this can become really handy. Finding 1000 unique domains to post to each of 700 urls is going to be difficult. Similarly, creating 700 projects with 700 emails will be tedious.

    If I have to do the second option, is there a quick way to do this, like exporting a project, creating 700 copies of its backup,setting 1 url and 1 unique email in each and them importing them in bulk. 
  • SvenSven
    well the project files are just ini files. So you can probably get yourself something to create these ini files.
  • wow. found the projects folder and all the project files which are in text format. This should be easy to duplicate using a program. thanks Sven. :-) Anything I should be cautious about while duplicating the files. Or GSA is going to load them just fine if just the project name, moneysite url and email address is changed.
  • SvenSven
    Nothing to take care of really.
  • Sven,
    I created a project using GSA UI and saved it. Then I used a dot net program to read that file and make multiple copies of it changing the url and email address options in each one of them. All the projects are loading fine but the email password field is creating a problem. I think you save it in an encrypted format. I am not touching that field as the password is same for all emails. But inspite of that, when I open the newly created projects in GSA, the password field is garbled. Can you tell what I should do to work around this problem.
  • SvenSven
    Well if you don't touch it that it should read fine so you somehow changed it than with your .net stuff.
  • we are reading the prj file on a windows system as a text file, replacing on the url and email address field, and saving it again as a text file. will that create a problem. can i send you the orginal and newly created prj files.
  • SvenSven
    sure but can't you just compare the files on the email line? You should see that there is a difference.
  • some more investigation made it work. 700 projects running now. Thanks Sven.
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