keywords used / remaining COUNTER - how fast are they used ?
I have used keywords for searching with "collect keywords from target sites" and "use collected keywords to find new target sites"
or without those options checked but with 200K+ keywords
but very fast within the day I get the warning "No targets to post to (maybe blocked by search engines, no site list enabled, no scheduled posting) [first appeared at 2016-02-10 21:59]"
When I realize this and check "Show remaining target URLs" the list is not empty.
Apparently this message should read something like this
"At them moment there are no more target sites But there is more keywords to be searched and will soon have more targets"
it is really misleading the way it is right now
A counter on how many keywords have been used / remaining would be very much in need here
1000 used / 50000 total or something like that would be really usefull
Also SER adds stop words randomly to the search query and sometimes domain filters.
Then SER also alters the parameter order and does a lot other things in order to get different results.
This makes it a bit hard to say what keyword is used completely and which one not.
The message you get is probably having other issues like a set time for not posting articles before a certain time is passed. The urls in your queue might be all of that sort of type where SER have them in queue but waits will time is on to start posting.