Project not working after some time and stopping at 2 threads
hello, due to recent update i am tired now.
recently problem was software was not running at higher threads.
but now my project after some times consume 1 thread each project only.
and then if i click "stop" even still projects keeping running (that 1 thread) and soft can not be close even,..
i need to terminate soft by task manager,.
help plz
if i set project status to inactive still same... 1 thread per project active and stucked there
anyway it would be nice if you can send another bugreport (help -> bugreport...) when you just see one thread being there doing nothing so I can debug things here. Again, make a note to this thread so I know what this is all about.
i created a debug report. my license name is "Akash Patel"
8 cores,,,