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GSA Not Using All Captcha Services?

edited February 2016 in Need Help
I have 4 captcha services enabled. All 4 are tested and working:


I also have Blazing Text captcha solver enabled:


All my projects are set up like this:


However, it doesn't seem GSA is using the 3rd and 4th captcha services:


#1) Why aren't the 3rd and 4th working? (I also switched the order to make sure the current 3rd and 4th are working when in the top 2 positions.
#2) The 1st service is GSA CB and has 1563 captchas sent. The 2nd service only had 68 captchas sent. There's no way that GSA CB is solving all those captchas. So how come not all captchas are going to the 2nd service?



  • SvenSven
    You have to keep in mind that all services TRY to solve it. It doesn't mean that they are 100% correct here. So even if CB or other services show it being solved it doesn't mean it is solved correctly.
  • Ok, so if a service gets the captcha wrong, it doesn't go to the next service to see if that service can solve correctly?
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    The way you have it setup, each service gets 10 tries before the next one is used.
  • Right thats correct.. but if a recaptcha blob comes along.. CB should not be able to solve, and it should go to the next being CS.. then the next which is the Blazing OCR.. and then 2captcha.. but I dont see that happening with my setup :(
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    Thats because you have all those services first before CB. From what I can tell, CB might be number 5 in the list
  • No, Im using two servers for CB and CS (Decaptcha & Bypass)
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    So you're saying that Decaptcha & Bypass are CB and CS?

    Even then, each one gets 10 tries before it moves to the next service.

    If you have a specific service you want to use to recaptchas, why not put that service as number 1 and for hard to solve captchas only?
  • edited February 2016

    The retry amt shouldn't matter.

    Its not just for recaptcha blobs.. I was using that as an example.

    I want all captchas go through CB (retry 10 times), if not solved correctly, go to CS (retry 10 times), if not solved correctly, go to Blazing OCR (retry 10 times), if not solved go to 2captcha

    But a limited number of captchas are reaching the 2nd service, and none are reaching the 3rd
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    Then that tells me that the first service is giving answers for the captchas, that's why it's not going much past service 1-2.

    Uncheck the reCaptchas in CB and CS, they should then be skipped and move to the next service.

    Have you tried to lower the retries to 2 or 3 and see what happens?
  • edited February 2016
    I feel like it be set up so that if the captcha is not solved correctly, it will retry/go to the next.. not just solve. I have all these services as backups to get the captcha solved correctly..not just spit out incorrect text and move on, you know what I mean?

    Yeah.. I tried lowering the retires.. no luck. But I have them set high for low rate success captchas in CB/CS/OCR so that one of the retries will solve it. Also, its not just for recaptchas. In fact CS and OCR can solved the non blob ones. I want the top 3 services to all try to solve every captcha including any hard captcha 30 times before sending to a human.
  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    And you have this option also checked in SER correct?

  • Also for @Sven - text captchas in the stat monitor don't reset when "Reset all stats" in captcha options (not sure if its just for Bandit/Blazing
  • SvenSven
    the reset is fixed for next update
  • @acamso the solution here would be setting different project for recaptcha sites and in project options using "use 3rd service for captchas" but this option is not avaiable.
  • edited February 2016
    @andrzejek Im not sure this is ideal for a couple reasons :-\ but thanks for the suggestion
    @sven awesome, and could you explain how the captcha flow works exactly? 

    let's say I have CB-->CS-->OCR-->Human .. is it set up so that if CB recognizes/solves the captcha, and is correct, it won't send to CS and so on?

  • It looks like I got it working. When I originally lowered the retires amt, it looks like it didn't register or something. When I redid it and let it sit for a while, I saw the captchas going to all 4 services. Im not too sure why the 10 retries wasnt working. But Im playing around a bit more and seeing how it does on 5 retries each.

    thanks for the help
  • SvenSven
    edited February 2016
    >let's say I have CB-->CS-->OCR-->Human .. is it set up so that if CB recognizes/solves the captcha, and is correct, it won't send to CS and so on?
    Correct. It will send the captcha to 1st, 2nd, 3rd... as long as no one gives a reply.

  • edited February 2016
    you mean as long as one doesnt give a reply right? @sven

  • SvenSven
    sorry yes, edited my post now
  • @sven I know this could be a major change, but wouldn't you think it would be ideal to base it off of whether or not a captcha error is returned on the target (if its correct or not)? That way we could have a nice set up that make sure *almost* all captchas are solved (and acct created). But let me know what you think, maybe its set up this way for specific reasons.
  • SvenSven
    well the captcha is already sent and usually can not be reused in a second submission. SER can know that the captcha was not correct due to the error message. If SER detects this, it will try to submit thw whole thing again but of course with a different captcha image. It will again ask all captcha services in the correct order.
  • @sven The thing is I want CB for example to try to solve the harder captchas first, even if it has a 5% success rate. But I also want to have the human solvers as backup. If CB always recognizes it, but gets it wrong, it will never get to the human solvers. (or it will take 20 tries for CB to solve it which isnt ideal). It would be great if SER can recognize which service submitted the wrong captcha last, then when starting the process over, start at the next captcha service and so on. If the last captcha service gets it wrong, then start at the beginning again.
  • SvenSven
    Hmm that sounds like an option to implant yes...i add it to my todo list
  • SvenSven
    One addition to this: If the last try is happening and previous tries have failed due to captchas being wrong, then SER automatically chooses the last service anyway if it is a human based one.
  • @sven What do you mean by "last try" - wont SER continue trying till successful?
  • SvenSven
    No, it will try 3 times in a row and then stop else you will loop endlessly for de-functioned sites.
  • @sven - Ok okay, and that number is by default?
  • SvenSven
    yes, you can not change it right now.
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