GSA SER Needs To Support Audio ReCaptcha!
This thread is not to be offensive to @Sven in any way. He has already stated to me that adding the ability for audio recaptcha would be a little bit of an undertaking. I am starting this thread to show him how many people would appreciate such a feature added in though... why you may ask?
Currently we solve Audio ReCaptchas at 95% success rate. Sounds good right?
Well, we only solve reCaptcha (2 words) at 20%, and street sign reCaptchas are not solvable at all via our OCR.
So wouldn't it make sense to support Audio reCaptcha that is the same as image captchas? The only difference is it just requires the software to download the .mp3 file versus downloading the reCaptcha image. Our OCR then is able to solve it without any other modifications .
Simply give a '+1' in this thread to support this feature request.
Thank you everyone!
Currently we solve Audio ReCaptchas at 95% success rate. Sounds good right?
Well, we only solve reCaptcha (2 words) at 20%, and street sign reCaptchas are not solvable at all via our OCR.
So wouldn't it make sense to support Audio reCaptcha that is the same as image captchas? The only difference is it just requires the software to download the .mp3 file versus downloading the reCaptcha image. Our OCR then is able to solve it without any other modifications .
Simply give a '+1' in this thread to support this feature request.
Thank you everyone!
Are you the only one offering audio captcha solving?
There is a tool for that:)
Secondly (@Sven), javascript is not required.
Disable javascript in your browser and Google still delivers the noCaptcha AND the audio version that is easily downloadable there on your screen. If Sven needs help getting the audio file download, I'll be more than glad to give some code examples, although it's no different than getting the image files for recaptcha/nocaptcha/etc
In the case of you getting the audio file, our current solver can solve the audio files at around ~8 seconds with a 93% success rate.