Send Email Multiple Times & Macro Problem - Please Help!
Hey guys, I have two question..
1) I'm using gsa spider to send emails, but after I send the emails I want to send another one to the same email address but for some reason I cant..I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Are the default program settings set to where I can only send one message to the email one time ??? I see a green bar that says (Sent Before), but I want to send another message to these emails.2) I read the documentation and it says that I can use a macro to rotate between logins for my smpt. Here's a quick quote from the documentation --(You can use the spin syntax in the smtp server field to send emails by a random provider/account.) .. So my question is how do I go about doing this to rotate through my smtp emails while im sending messages??
If anyone can please help me with this, I would glady appreciate it, thanks!