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Wow Nice New Update For GSA CB

The new Update Really gonna help me improving gsa cb

faster mask + control = boom

i will improve tikiwiki and some importent captchas this week


  • My success rate now jumped from 35 to 41 % What's your average success rate % guys?
  • What platforms and engines do you use?
  • i run 5 projects at the same time and all of them use different engines so u can say i use all engines except porn,junk
  • I'm building list, and I ticked all engines except Web 2.0, and still rate is like 40-43 % how to increase to 70 % and beyond? Can you make any tutorial how to improve captchas our selfs?
  • dont select non working engines

    take like 2 days checking all engines and unckeck those dont get any verified
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