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My project verified list is missing

i restart my computer and open my GSA ser.. 2 of my verified project list bcome 0..(before i gt 1500+ verified)

what wrong with my GSA ser? how to solve it?

thank you


  • SvenSven

    This is not a SER problem. Usually this can happen in three situations:

    1. Harddisk error and file could become corrupt (very unlikely though)

    2. Drive C: run out of space and saving the file was no longer possible

    3. proxy was down or your internet access and while re-verifying links, SER did not find anything and put the links to the file *.reverify_failed. So have a look if those links are in that file. Then you can recover all your links again using click on the "show verified urls" dialog and choose import verified->from previously failed...

  • 1. my ssd its ok..,
    2 90gb size free
    3. still dont know how to do that..,

    i think my 2 project  verified list succes etc running to drive E..bcause i found same name on Drive C

  • SvenSven
    well search for *.prj files and in that folder you should see that other files.
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