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Pausing Not Working, is it me?

BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
edited January 2013 in Need Help
Pausing isn't working for me. I just upgraded to 5.03.  Screenshot attached.  I've never used pausing, am I doing it wrong?


  • Same for me i don't understand how submissions are count, for exemple i set pause after 100 submissions and the program stop submitting around 250.
  • SvenSven
    The counter for submissions on a project is just counting the real URL submissions not the submissions required to register or login.
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    Hey Sven, I'm going to email you a project backup file.  This project is not pausing.  I set it to pause for 30 minutes (and tested 180 minutes) for 100 submissions.  There are now 972 submissions and 1217 verified.
  • ronron
    @Brandon - I don't understand why you don't set it up for "submissions in a day". That's what I have for all projects and it works great.
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @Ron, after a server restart, my campaigns are pausing.  I was just trying to get it to work for a few different campaign intricacies.
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