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Ping / Submit URL's To Blog Search Engines

AlexRAlexR Cape Town
edited January 2013 in Need Help
In the General Options --> Indexer, there is option to import a list of ping services/ blog search engines.

How does this work?

1) For every URL does it send it to this list?
2) Does it use a lot resources if you have a large ping list?
3) Should it work on lower tier projects?
4) Does it also send it to SEO indexer if enabled? Thus, it first sends to ping/blog search and then to SEO Indexer?
5) What about URL's that you have "don't send to indexer", does it send it to the index/ping sites you can import in that box?


  • SvenSven

    1) just for blogs

    2) just if get a lot blog verifications

    3) why should it not work?

    4) yes everything checked receives the link, except none blog sites don't get pinged.

    5) no

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