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how do i fast link building ?

how do i fast link building ? when i run software its made few verified links but take long time with waste my data. Also GSA take lot of DATA ( MB ) for build link, how i manage it? 


  • Honeybee918zHoneybee918z 607 8th Avenue Youngstown
    You need to understand that how it works, then try to do it. In a hurry you just waste your data that is of no use. So do try to understand it fully then build the links there. In this way you will not waste your data.
  • can you please help me ?
  • anyone tell me how i manage data charging 
  • Man, SER is a data-sucking beast. It consumes so. much. data. if you let it. I nearly killed my interent using it, havent found a viable solutio yet
  • Dedicated server, 20 projects on 20 min schedule, 100 private proxies, I run 500 threads and depending on what projects/engines I have ticked, I get anything from 50-500LPM. Don't bother with VPS, they are oversold and crap. When verifying I can ramp it up to 3GB RAM but that's killing it. CPU barely goes above 10%, it's RAM that SER eats but it can only run to 4GB (well, 3.4GB is my record before it freezes), someone said it was due to it being 32bt not 64bt which why it'll only go to 4GB RAM. 

    I have found that running it on my laptop which is Win7 64bt is so much cooler, cleaner, fluid and faster than dedi/VPS Windows XP/similar but I need my laptop for other things so running SER on it isn't a 24/7 option.
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