Any recommendation where to buy GSA SER List?
In Front Of My Computer
as described in the title, I would like to hear good recommendation to buy GSA SER list? I checked most of them is no longer in business like or even always show SOLD OUT. What happened to them?
You got plenty of links in SER itself (right clcik on project->import target urls->Buy...
Or here:
At one point I had a VPS with Scaprebox and GSA Platform Identifier running 24/7 then dumping the links over onto my posting VPS with SER on it. I would get a fraction of the links verified and added to my own list all the while slowing down SER performance on live projects.
@shaun thanks for share your experienced. That sounds make sense, when I only go with only contextual then it become lesser I got.
I'm not sure what is going out there with people who bought SER List, but my feeling is it is a bit weird if you build backlinks that has no relevancy topic.
Let say you gave me about 500 urls which related to healthy topic, but your niche is about travelling, would it become a disaster for us?