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Spin Multiple Email address?

edited January 2013 in Feature Requests
Ok im new to the forum and i did a quick look, but could not find an answer.  Is GSA working on the ability to spin in a slew of different email address for a project to cut down on the footprint?  I have 1000's of clean hotmail accounts, i would love to spread the load of a project over to mitigate the potential of Google diggin up the email addresses and slapping all of the posts.



  • Hi, Take a couple of weeks free from work, and forward each address to one email address that GSA SER use to verify. The forwarded addresses can be used in spin format. 
    Only, if you want to use 1000 hotmail addresses.. You need lots of time to setup this. So be prepared.
  • Ya...i knew that technically i could do that - was hoping that that functionality was going to be worked into the program eventually.  If not its still incredible software.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    There is a good discussion on this in some threads on email. I don't have them accessible but can tell you there is a detailed guide on one of the threads. Maybe also try a search for "catchall"
  • @GlobalGoogler - thank you, i did read up on all the catchall and can probably automate that in some clumsy fashion, but still feels like the elegant solution is to be able to upload a menagerie of email accounts to GSA software and let it spin through them.  1000 email accounts + 20-100 proxies = not think about blacklists etc for a long long time.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    I found catchall works wonders. Quick to setup, set and forget. :-)

  • ronron

    I think no matter what system you use for emails, GSA SER should recognize you changed emails, and the first thing it should do is conduct an email read/verification of the old email before switching.

    Seriously, when you switch emails, do you take the time to first make sure your new registration emails are read and verified in the old email? Any idea how many links you throw away by not doing that?

  • I always scrape trough and verify everything before swapping out an email for sure.
  • Hey there, anyone can tell me how many accounts I should use/need? 1 per project? I'm a little confused. I hope someone can help me.. thank you!
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