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Worst Spintax ever?

edited January 2013 in Other / Mixed
Somehow stumpled over this......


Even after what congested people each day do, there isn't aren't rising two affairs at following because mind simply just can't do it. Sometimes all it all it takes is alittle interruption one of your concerns to bother the force of an depressed emotional wellbeing. It's also widely It's also widely knew that fast exercise, even a small amount, releases the natural feel-good components in yourself called endorphins.

wiki . kspu .

Is your spintax better?


  • SvenSven
    Who's spintax do you mean? the program comes not with such "kauderwelsch" on it's own.
  • edited January 2013
    I like it. Bet it's unique.
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    All I see is unique content.
  • ronron
    edited January 2013
    @thisisalex - Who knows if it is better. All I can guarantee is that passage above is very unique and it would blow my mind if I saw it published more than once - ROFL :)
  • Makes sense to me. It's definitely bizzarely written although congruent.
  • edited January 2013
    well he does some nice tiered link building. seems professional to me. but his moneysite and anchor sucks..
  • stumpled over this.....

    there more I learn about SER and SEO, the more it creeps me out...

    moodle . bidedu . fi/blog/index.php?postid=1676
  • WHOOT!!!

    that links to
    phen375factsheet . com/

    How can you get 19K different DOMAINS??
  • That is also great:

    ranking a TUMBLR blog..
    phen375reviewblog . tumblr . com/
  • that's crazy pen375factsheet is rakning #1 for phen375 a product keyword with 33k exact monthyl searches.
  • check ahrefs....... look hat his backlink structure......
  • thats him? http://www .
  • edited January 2013
    COME ON!!!


    What purpose does it serve outing someone's sites, and then potentially there LinkedIn profile??????????

    What are YOU gaining from doing this?

    Keep that in PM if you have to.
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