EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Email phone verification detecting?
Okay, i keep this short, but is an important thing. I am using yahoo mail and after a time the email account is locked with phone verification. Is there any way to implement some option to GSA that monitors/detect this. When detects removes that emai account from the email accounts. It is trivial to do this, because we are loosing a lot of time and resources when posting. This is even more important when we do a dummy posting to test our scraped links.
Please for your input.
@royalmice If i understand, you mean: If i buy from your service, i will not have issues with locking out (phone verifications)?
Is there any way to test this? Will be great if you provide 3-5 test emails, that i test. I am doing a lot of campaigns for my clients and will set your service as a main one if is this true what you telling there.
If it gives you peace of mind it is the same service recomended at the top of the list in your GSA ser program, see below screenshot
It has absolutely nothing to do with how big your list is.
The more email accounts you have the greater number of accounts you can create. The figure i have pointed out in the below screenshot should always be the same as the number of email accounts you have per tier.
all individual unique accounts