Just received abuse/spam complaint from my ISP
Hi everybody!
Today I have received abuse complaint from my ISP, I am using GSA on my personal laptop with 50 private proxies with the following settings:
Also I have tested these proxies against whatismyipaddress.com - none of them pass (50 ) and I have tested against anonymus test-url 49 worked and 1 not.
The first step is I think is to move from laptop to VPS any recommandations?
Second step how they find out my ip if these are private proxies? I have brought them from buyproxies.org!
Please help me!
Simply add this to your windows host file bitninja.io
Also block it through Gsa global settings, this should do the trick
Oh ok sorry i miss understand the situation here then, was just trying to help you blocking it.
Am I understanding is correctly?
From Sven:
"The problem might be the option "Skip for identification" you should turn that one off."
But on his picture, he had already had it turned it off here http://picpaste.com/proxy_settings-ZTdK25Hk.jpg
Can we get into complaints if you use server/home ip for verifications?
What I did I immediately stopped all the submission via SER but kept Indexer running which had over 50K urls in the que.
I didn't receive any complaint after that and my SER is not submitting in the mean while so Indexer can not cause this issue.
You should also add some public proxies for lowering the load on your private proxies and assign them tasks such as search engine scraping as well as PR checking.
And always check the option in settings that says to stop the campaigns when proxies are down. This will prevent SER from using your ISP IP in case your private proxies are temporarily down and they can too go down and back up and running without you knowing about it.
Check this comment for that. The server has no downtime and support is good, most of the time.
Sure for a vps use this coupon NY0RI7UE54
For a dedicated use this one WININCL
for socks i use http://proxyblaze.com/