Alternative url before find url?
I know i can do
find url=submit.php
and if it fails ill go to
alternative url=%my_variable%
what if i want first try alternative url=%my_variable%
and when it fails (either 404 not found or no form to post) i want to use find url= OR next alternative url ?
Is it possible?
yes it is. Anyway you should use "form url=*submit.php" as a simple "submit.php" will not work I fear.
Further you want to use this...
modify url=/first_try.php
just download=!
modify step=4
modify step condition=string that has to be on page if its the correct one
modify url=/second.php
I have used this in Joomla K2 ...maybe just have a look on that.
the submit was just example,
Thanks again for your awesome support, this is really briliant that you are here to help us,
try to get some support from xrumer - you will be suprised haha
Edit: forget to ask, if there's no form to post in debug we can clearly see that "no posting forms are found"
modify step condition=%global_gsa_variable_no_post_form_Found%