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GSA fill forms but doesn't send it


I have few scripts, where gsa fill forms correctly (I can see it in debug mode), but doesnt send form,
last step seen in debug mode is form filled with all data and not sent,
I have few scripts like that, other are sending fine,
what can be the reason?


  • SvenSven
    I don't know what you mean with "see it filling"? If yous ee the GET / POST debug stuff with the vriables below, it is sending it.
  • edited April 2015
    I compared forms that are sent for sure with those that are not sent, first after submition show some message that it is succesfull, and fields are empty,
    those failed forms don't show any message, and all fields are filled with data, looks like I manually fill in all data, but I dont press SEND button
  • SvenSven
    You mean when opening the debug html files you see the fields filled? Well then it's SER that sent it, and the server replied with the page you see now with your data filled.
  • I rechecked it and maybe You are right, because this problem is only on few sites and maybe it is because some special additional security.
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