Modyfing End-Url without submission

I am using submission=1
submit success skip verify=1
I receive a link at the end that is added to my verified list
I receive a link at the end that is added to my verified list
Now, is it possible to delete "?message=changeSubmitted" ?
yes, by using this:
verify url=%my_verify_url%
and below [setup] add...
do you mean this ?
verify url=./index.php
verify url replace=/edit/;/show/
verify url remove=sub/
that "verify url remove" will work as well I guess. But my previous way should also work with one correction...
Can you share with us all the missing "things" in script manual?
text_captcha_extract.dat ?
Or maybe add option to ignore text_captcha_extract.dat into specific engine - would be easier?
beacuse often i got text captcha popup when its actually something other or graphic captcha.
text_captcha_extract.dat is for a different purpose. It's used to extract the answer from the question like:
What color has the Sun (answer: yellow)?
i know there is workaround to make it work, but i never realized how i actually made it to work (ignoring)
Sometimes when coding new engine (or fixed website)
there's a graphic captcha / field - SER then (not always of course) gives me a popup window to fill textual captcha (when its actuall graphic captcha / checkbox).
I want to see why SER is matching this as textual captcha / disable it.
heres example:
you better try...
ctl00$bcr$ctl01$ctl00$valcaptcha=%captcha% CaptchaImagePlayer.aspx
The parameter in %captcha% is telling SER to look for images with that string. Using the "fixed:" prefix should only be done when there is no way in html source to get the URL of the image.
Btw i got not idea how i would find out that myself,
is there any resource where you explain things like that or is this just my lack of knowledge and i already got resources to fix this?
Next question, can we ignore certain forms? Like
form name=!ignorebutton
Yes you can use that syntax. Though I never used that as identification happens with 4 parameters:
If i want to match form id=save
and ignore form id=order
form id=save
form id=!order
form id=save|!order
whats the correct syntax (! = is ignoring the form right? just making sure)
looks like nothing is working, i understand your previous post but looks that at this point would be easier to just ignore the form rather than match all the things (websites are different and this one got exact form url for both bad and good form, exact variables, both got them, also good form got no ID and bad form got id so it could be ignored with !)
bad form:
form url=login.php
form name=order
good form
form url=login.php
form id=
form name=form 2 (cant be used beacuse fails at other websites)
that works too ? @sven
form id=save|save2|save3 !order !order2 !order3
that will match anything with
a) save
b) save2
c) save3 and not having order2 or order3 as word in it.
However the whole form match is done by forum url, form name and form id + all the used and identified form vairables.