Why is my custom GSA SER Identified List Not Working Well?
Hello, I have a list of 170k identified URLS and for some reason GSA SER isn't giving me many verified links. I am getting like 10 verified links per day...
Here's what I did:
- Used scrapebox to scrape 3 million URLS by using GSA footprints
- Removed duplicate Urls and duplicate domains
- Ran the list through GSA SER platform Identifier
- Ended up with 170k identified URLS
- Ran the identified URLS with GSA SER for one day
- Checked stats, and only had about 10 verified urls.
- I had all the engines selected
- I had, "identified URLS", selected
Things I noticed:
- About 99.99% of my verification's where not successful.
Tools I am using:
- GSA SEO indexer
- Scrapebox
I am wondering why my custom list won't yield any good results...
Sure its about LPM and VPM, but I get great VPM too with this setup and layout.
Having a good list is also killer.
What you mentioned wasn't an issue but a common behavior associated with scraped targets. I myself had scraped over 2M targets from Gscraper and imported directly to SER campaign. What I got was a couple hundred new verified links in the end.
This is perfectly fine and verification for scraped targets is usually very very low. You should keep the scraper running at the background and keep them importing to SER on a daily basis. This way you will end up with a good amount of fresh verified links on a weekly basis. May be 20K+ unique verified URLS.