Articles vanish from Article Manager
in Need Help
Strange problem, as this was always working for me before. My articles vanish from article manager.
I use Kontent Machine to create 50 articles and dump them to a local folder. Then in GSA, I double click on a project and click on:
Tools - Auto Fill --> Use Kontent Machine --> Import
I point to the folder, select all 50 articles and import. Everything works as it should, and I see 50 articles in Article Manager like in the screenshot below:
When I click Preview, I can see that the article gets built correctly.
I then click on OK. But now, when I double-click on a project and go back to the Article Manager tab, all the articles have vanished and been replaced with a single article that contains some weird broken spintax! Screenshot below:
Is this a bug? If not, what could be causing this? It screwed up two of my campaigns by posting thousands of junk text to thousands of URLs.
Again, I have used this workflow without issue before. In fact, if I open some of my older projects and click on Article Manager tab, those projects still have their articles intact. So it's just the newest projects that I create that are exhibiting this error.
Any help much appreciated!
I have an idea to make this easier. If you could, please choose one of the text files I sent you, then paste here:
1. The name of the file
2. The EOF chars PLUS whatever text immediately surrounds those chars in the file. Then just bold the EOF and put in square brackets
So for e.g.:
1. SecCamsTone-two16.txt
2. {home|house|residence} from [EOF Chars] {burglars|intruders|robbers|thiefs}
That way I can easily just search for the text surrounding the EOF and
can pinpoint it. After that I will be able to handle the issue no problem
1. SecCamsTone-two49.txt
The URLs were initially scraped using ScrapeBox and exported from there as text. Should I have instead exported as HTML? Or as RSS XML?
Well maybe it's some of your anchor texts as well!? I also don't know why you embed them directly in the article. You better use the %link% macro or let SER decide where to put the link.
I also didn't say it's just the URLs that are wrong encoded. Maybe there are other locations with the EOF sign in it. Most people usually don't have such strange content thats why noone propably saw the problem yet.