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keywords on GSA URL RD

When i upload a keyword list and then i upload a url list, the keyword list is getting deleted

how can this be fixed?



  • SvenSven
    sorry but where in detail do you load a list of what?
  • there is a keyword slot - i load keywords to it, then i load multi-url list and this deletes the keywords list
  • SvenSven

    of course you have to add keywords in your url like the same way as in SER


  • Why dies it delete the keywords when i upload a multipile url list?
  • I saw the same issue. 
    Can I format the url and keyword in same document and upload using the multiurl option?
  • A better option will be to add a string of keywords and be able to upload a bulk of urls which they all use the same list of keywords, exactly like in GSA SER
  • SvenSven

    @Kuhustletu yes, prepare the import file as written above (url#keyword...)

    @moonshine sorry but usually people do not want to have the same keyword with a list of URLs.

  • Could be a list of keywords seperated in commas, and the program will chose randomly
  • SvenSven
  • But it deletes the keywords line when i upload a bulk url list...
  • SvenSven
    would you please read my reply? I am repeating myself and I hate that. If you load a list of URLs, you have to assignt he keyword within the list using URL#keyword1,keyword2,... each line a new url and keyword.
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