Article Builder Integration
Article Builders content is much better than Kontent Machine. They have a nice backend admin that allows articles to automatically get spun by The Best Spinner which is owned by the same person.
Integrating Article Builder like Senuke has would be a huge feature for GSA. If we could have an integration where it pulls from Article Builder once a day, once a week, (whatever setting user wants) that would save us a ton of time on content.
Thanks for considering
Integrating Article Builder like Senuke has would be a huge feature for GSA. If we could have an integration where it pulls from Article Builder once a day, once a week, (whatever setting user wants) that would save us a ton of time on content.
Thanks for considering
For article would great if we can set number of articles to spin together and after how many days we want to pull articles again...
Plus as usual where to put our URL micro :-)
How did you get the API code to put the articles in a folder? Thanks