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Are there as many verified links to https as for http?

I have switched one of my domain to https and i did the same in GSA SER. 

if you also post links to a https website can you tell me if GSA SER posts on average as many verified links to https as for http??? 

I mean i post now to and i wonder if for instance the commenting systems accept https links as http?

Any feedback about it?



  • I see this often with client's sites that they don't redirect the non https to the https. Have you done that? If so, then the links built to the previous URL structure will pass through to the https. Have you seen a drop in rankings or traffic? I'm assuming you have from the type of question you've asked.

    But, I can't see any reason why SER wouldn't post https compared to http, it doesn't make sense, only maybe a small proportion of the target URLs might have a problem with https but again it doesn't make much sense for a site to reject a URL as it starts with https.
  • thks

    Btw, i switched from http to https and yes i saw a drop in ranking. 

  • Get redirecting then, if you have canoncials then redirect using wildcard or if not, do it the long way ie. each URL. There's probably a better way, so wait for someone with more web dev knowledge than me to come along.

    Technically, https is a different URL to http, so it's kind of a different website hence the drop in ranking.
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