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Avoid posting URL on same domain twice

edited January 2013 in Need Help
In the support document is says:

Avoid posting URL on same domain twice: If the program was able to submit to one other sub-link
on that host, it will not try to submit to anything else.

If you have 10 urls in your campaign and "Avoid posting URL on same domain twice" is checked, does that mean:

You will get 1 link from that site and it will pick one of your 10 URLs


You will get 10 links, one for each of your URLS?



  • SvenSven
    it will not post if it once verified one on that domain.
  • Sorry not clear,
    "one on that domain"  In the above example, does that mean one of the 10 links in the project or that specific link?
    There's a huge difference between the 2, especially if your campaign has 100+ urls from different domains (tier2 up)
  • SvenSven
    just one of that 1000 get posted
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