Someone else using my copy of software :(

I hope @Sven doesn't mind me posting this here. For the past few days my license keys have been frozen as there are loads of Indonesian IP addresses using it. I have 5x copies of the software so I don't know which one is being used.
Has anyone else experienced this and did you find the cause? I am trying to fix it. I've changed all passwords, updated antivirus and firewall, ran Windows update. Even yesterday I did not run run any of the software (they were all closed) yet Sven is saying someone is using it with an Indonesian IP (this was before I changed the passwords etc). I have never given access to anyone.
I am not sure what else to try, does anyone have any recommendations?
Has anyone else experienced this and did you find the cause? I am trying to fix it. I've changed all passwords, updated antivirus and firewall, ran Windows update. Even yesterday I did not run run any of the software (they were all closed) yet Sven is saying someone is using it with an Indonesian IP (this was before I changed the passwords etc). I have never given access to anyone.
I am not sure what else to try, does anyone have any recommendations?
I am not sure if this is the case here.
I'm using Solid Seo VPS for the others, are they 'dodgy' ?
From quick read they seem to clone machines.
GSA never had such a licensing system and always required you to enter a serial and a name regardless of what the hardware fingerprint was. I think people just got confused and started jumping to the wrong conclusions about Berman. I don't know everthing about them but I doubt they have a policy of snatching any license they can get their hands on.
I'd ask someone to correct me if I'm wrong but chances seem equal that they'd correct me if I were right too lol;
Your license is safe with us. We get security audited every month by 2 security company to check for any security vulnerable in our system.
We never clone clients vps unless they request us to clone if for bulk purchase and we wont allow it unless Gsa ser is not installed and if any client who was with us and their service(s) was terminated, our system will auto destroy this vps within 36 hours after termination also for us to reduce our resources.
I would advise you contact Sven and ask him to suspend this license and provide you a new one.. Also its always better before you disconnect a service with any vps provider to use any registery cleaner software
Goodluck and sorry to hear about this