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Need Lists Provider Recommendation

It is very low submit rate and verified rate for my GSA. I hope to buy a list to improve this issue.
Any recommendation for provider?

Is ScraperBandit a good idea to start? Thanks a lot


  • @online28 I use with very good success rates. They are awesome guys. (You'll have to wait until the next list comes out for February. I also use He's been around for ages and knows his stuff. Both list providers are top notch. I have tried a bunch of them and I would highly recommend either of them for good verified list. If you run into a snag both providers are more than happy to help you out.

  • ScraperBandit I believe is only for scrapping your own lists, which will take some trail and error till you become good at scraping targets.  I've purchased a site list from serlists and I was very pleased with the results.
  • @Matt, do you have any success rate on web 2.0 ? (Wordpress, tumblr,weebly etc )
  • @billnelson I don't do a ton of those. It's really about the "amount" of links you have and unique domains. If you focus on that you will have more success in moving your rankings, not just because you use Wordpress or Weebly, etc.

  • I read on most threads to always use web2.0 as your tier 1 which point directly to your money site then blast those with many platforms on SER. Don't you think the "amount" of links would hurt the website if done excessively? Or how do you control that @Matt ?
  • What exactly is a verified list, one that you can definitely submit to or one you can definitely get a verified link on? I know which one makes sense but I've yet to find a list where each link, or even 50% of the links get you a verified link.

  • You can export, save and recycled your verifieds and that way build a verified list. This is what people mean when they say the list is verified. It means once, GSA was able to post to that link.
  • manubossmanuboss
    You can read more in my thread , we provide between 3 and 8 verified List per month  for only 9€!
  • SerSyncSerSync
    Nipester is correct. A verified list is a list that GSA was able to post to. Whether you can post really depends on your settings and whether the site is up. Verified lists can die pretty quickly as well so finding fresh verified lists is important.

    @billnelson. If you're using quality tier 1 which point directly to your money site you should see improvements in your rankings anyway. You only need to blast the tier 1 if you're not getting the results you want. Either that or build a few more quality tier 1.
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