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Project URLs (Submitted & Verified) not loading

This is not a bug, but something on my end but wanted to know how I can fix this without breaking anything.

When loading GSA some of my projects are not loading the Submitted & Verified URLS in the main page, it just shows 0.

When I looked at the projects folder in GSA I see that the projects that are having problems with are showing files such as this:


A whole bunch of them.

Should I just rename all these files and remove the "[Conflict]" string?


  • SvenSven
    brackets should not have any influence on loading things. I don't see how this could cause any problems. What OS do you have and what firewall/anti virus?
  • Well i'm using windows 7 with avast one one computer and windows 7 with no antivirus on another.

    I'm only seeing this on a few projects, specifically the main one I'm using.
  • Sorry Sven, I was running it through cloud, I don't know things got out of sync.

    I fixed it, should be ok now.
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