"Use verified URLs" link distribution? How?
I have a situation, guess it's quite common.
I build links to a verified links from a project (tiered / pyramid). Besides that, I also add external tier-1 links that I build manually or through other software.
Now the questions are:
1) Will SER distribute links to the upper tiers automatically? Or will the old links get more backlinks because SER keeps building links evenly each day to the growing list of URLs? (If so, won't the latter batch of links get less backlinks?)
2) What's your best practice in setting "Pause the project after __ verifications" if I want to drip links slowly to my tier 1 with the above setup?
Say I manually add 10 tier-1 links each day, what should I put inside the option if I want like 20 links per tier-1 link?
- If I put 200, then all the links will get 20 links in a day.
- If I put 20, then all tier-1 links get 2 links per day (run for 10 days).
Now, the next day, I'll add another 10 links manually. Should I delete the first 10 links, or after 10 days if I use option 2 (20 tier-2 links per day)?
Will SER automatically distribute total number of links built to upper tier evenly across old and newly added links? Or should I manage them manually?
How do you handle this situation?
@audioguy - I think you are trying to hard to 'even things up' with your linkbuilding. But if you wanted to do that, yes, you could remove those url's and relace them. I wouldn't do that. I would duplicate that project, put in your new url's, and pause the first project. And keep repeating that process until all projects were roughly equal, then turn on all projects as active. I don't see the point, but that is how I would do it.
I would not use 'pause the project after 'x' verifications. You should use instead 'pause after 'x' submitted per day'. You could have 100 threads going, and GSA might build 100 links in one minute, and then get around to verifying later in the day. And pretend you wanted only 5 links, and you now have a heart attack
because there are 100. Use submit x per day.
Yes, you are totally, completely, 100%, over-analyzing this.
Older properties will, of course, have more links. And they should...because they are older. That is natural. What is unnatural is what you are trying to do by balancing everything out.
The purpose of all of this is to funnel link juice up to the homepage. It doesn't matter which page it comes from, and whether that page is 1 week older or newer. That is irrelevant.
Indexing is a separate issue. Your goal after all is said and done, is to try and get as much stuff indexed in your tiers as possible, in the most efficient manner, and in the least expensive manner. That is not the goal of building tiers. Rather, it is one of the positive outcomes of building tiers. You can shoot 100 links to a page, and it still will not index a lot of times. Completely separate discussion.