Account awaiting activation? At a complete loss. Please help. [Settings/photos Incl.]
Hi All,

I have searched non-stop for three days on this topic and found everything on it and nothing has clarified this issue. I am scraping with GScraper for do follow contextual links like Articles/Social Networking/Wiki targeting just one or two popular CMS's each time.
I will achieve a list of 1Mil URLS and load it into a project and see exceptionally high numbers of submitted links, 1-3 per second even. But none are getting verified.
The Email signups are received in the AOL account and apparently checked by GSA as they eventually get deleted but I just see the message "awaiting account verification" under the submitted links.
To assist, the options in GSA are as follows:-
No search engines checked, not using global site lists, only the scraped urls

I do not ever ask for help for anything, I always try to work it out myself. I've been to bed at 5am for the past 3 days and worked non-stop all day too on this and I just can not work out how to get this fixed.
I ran 55k links last night, got many thousands submitted and got 10 verified!
Please, please can someone assist. I will provide any details required.
Best Regards