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Using Imported List on GSA SER

Hey guys, I have a strange problem and need to sort this out.

I have a list which I want to import into a project. All good so far, except I get all kind of submits to websites that are not in my list.

I followed Sven advice found in another thread:

1. project options->[-] How to get Target URLs-> uncheck all search engines, uncheck all options below the box.

2. clear target url history using right click on project->modify

3. import new urls using right clcik on project->import target urls

Did all this but problem is not solved.

Any advice?



  • SvenSven
    maybe you use engines with a fixed url in it. Try unchecking them with right click on engine box->uncheck engines with fixed url.
  • Thx Sven. It's working now.
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