next version has this + ability to append entries to a file rather than overwriting the whole file. I can not find the thread entry but it was requested before back than.
As we know we have to create different setting for every project specially for 3rd party service like: captcha, indexing, using proxy etc. in one project we need that service but in other project we don't need that service.
e.g when I running blog comment or trackback submission I don't use 3rd party captcha service, proxy, indexing etc but in the same time I running other project that need 3rd party service. So far I running one by one but if GSA can create custom option setting I think it would be great features.
2. Add other column in Project Monitor
Currently GSA only has: Project name, status, priority, submitted and verified how if you add another column e.g "show remaining target urls" with this feature I don't need to check one by one to check remaining target urls
I still have some ideas like:
Ability to create "custom option setting"
As we know we have to create different setting for every project specially for 3rd party service like: captcha, indexing, using proxy etc. in one project we need that service but in other project we don't need that service.
e.g when I running blog comment or trackback submission I don't use 3rd party captcha service, proxy, indexing etc but in the same time I running other project that need 3rd party service. So far I running one by one but if GSA can create custom option setting I think it would be great features.
2. Add other column in Project Monitor
Currently GSA only has: Project name, status, priority, submitted and verified how if you add another column e.g "show remaining target urls"
with this feature I don't need to check one by one to check remaining target urls
Thanks so much