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Request: Save program dimensions (when re-seized for smaller screens)


I have CB installed on a VPS that has a smaller resolution, so upon each launching if CB I need to make is smaller in order to maintain screen real estate.

I asking if you could make it so CB remembers the user specific dimension like SER does, this would save me from needing to resize CB each time I update/restart it/restart my VPS etc.



  • SvenSven
    next version will keep that in mind
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @Sven would it also be possible to remember where the scheduler window is? Each time I update or restart I have to move the scheduler back to it's position. It's not a big deal for just one server, but I update all of my servers at the same time.

  • SvenSven
    added for next version
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @Sven I wish all developers were like you!
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @Sven one more thing along these same lines would be to remember which column SER was sorted by. When you start up the program it defaults to the Project column, A-Z I sort by number of verifieds and it would be nice if that was saved as well.
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