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Getting General Spam Trap Questions Appearing for Captchas

@Sven or anyone who knows. I set up my global options but am getting general blog "spam trap" questions appearing as captchas and it is giving me a certain amount of time to answer captcha or time out. Never had this before. It's not set up correctly. What can I do in set up so this doesn't appear?



  • it's normal if you want to increase your success rate you need to answer those questions in addition to the solved captcha by captchabreaker or deathbycaptcha service 
  • Thanks seo22. I won't be sitting there in front of my computer answering captchas. I am sure there is another option where that does not come up. I am using captchabreaker and deathbycaptcha. 
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    edited December 2014
    scottwillinsky - Make sure you uncheck this option: 


    Also in your project options where it says, "if a form field can't be filled - ask user" click on the words "ask user" and change it to "choose random".
  • Thanks @s$nt0s. That options is unchecked. Where is the document, video or FAQ for general setup? 
  • scottwillinsky 

    hello , I understand but trap questions are not answered by gsabreaker or deatbycaptcha

    so you will lose your deathbycapthca credit but not getting registered in the target site asking for an answer for questions like : 8+9 = ?
  • I don't have the time to sit in front of my computer answering captchas. I did have it set up in the past where those questions didn't come up. I will just look for where the setup is so those questions don't appear. 
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