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Submitted Successfully And Unknown Submission Status Needs To Be Separted

edited January 2013 in Feature Requests
I have noticed that Unknown Submission status means there is a 90% chance that your url or ip have been blocked when leaving comments. 

Which is why I think it should be success submit - unknown submission & verified. not just submitted and verified 

This way we can re-target the unknown submission sites with new urls and ips and increase performance.


  • SvenSven
    edited January 2013
    You are right about this status and blog comments. If you just want to tag this as failed you have to modify the engine and change it to "verify on unknown status=0"
  • Ok I did that and it works.

    Also I checked off saved failed/skip but it saves the skipped sites I don't want to submit to. 

    How can I edit this so that it does not save the skipped sites that don't fit what I need.

    Essentially I only want the unknown submission sites to be in the failed folder.

  • SvenSven
    You can't sorry.
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