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Which setting you use to rank your sites?

I am not able to move from page 3 with any site. The big problem seems to have been the anchor text.

When I used the keyword I desire to rank as anchor text, my site went up and down several positions every day.

Now, I'm using about 25 different anchor texts containing the keyword I wish to rank.

A great push. I left and went to page 6 to 3 in one day, but now my site is at positions 23 or 24 and not out of it for days.


  • royserparoyserpa (URL and Domain Deduped!) GSA SER VERFIED Lists! =>
    Build a pbn and rank ;)
  • Got same problem my friend you are not alone, i had my site ranked at page 2..
    I tried everything to get it on page one..sending backlinks everyday
     And than it got slapped by google. back to zero :)
  • Now I'm at position 22, generating almost 2000 links a day. Any major change there is, I post here to help those who are experiencing the same problem.

    If the anchor texts are not the impediment to rank, perhaps the keyword I chose. Is not a long tail.
  • I would highly recommend that you only build about 5-10% (if that) of your links using your exact keyword as anchor text.

    Build plenty of links using just the domain/url as anchor text, and alot of generic like "click here" etc.

    And 2K links per day is quite a bit lol. That can make some serious dances occur as well.

    Not over using anchor text is way more critical than link velocity (how fast you build links) though.

    Using too many "exact" anchor text or even partial keyword match anchor texts is probably the easiest way to destroy your rankings IMO.
  • Thanks for the suggestions mattb348.
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