when you start a project, you see a big window at the bottom of the program where all the messages scroll with time and project name. On that one you right clcik with the mouse and choose "Copy All".
@jayeseo I get the feeling you are playing games on me. Of course you have to give me the URLs. Just post them here. I want to avoid that links are placed here as the log has URLs in it.
that log includes more than one project It would be nice if you could clear the log and just run the project that has the problems on target urls, else it makes no sense.
OK maybe someone else can jump in and explain what I am trying to say!?
1. right click on 2. 3. as it is the same window
2. choose Copa All from popup menu
3. Open http://www.pastebin.com in your Internet Browser (type it manually or click this link)
4. right click on that BIG WHITE area -> Paste
5. Click Submit (you might have to fill a captcha)
6. Copy the URL you got from the Browser Address Bar and paste it here.
@jayeseo Dude perhaps your ip was blicked for scraping google for too long...