Loaded 2/52 URLs from site lists - is this normal?

in Need Help
I'm fairly new to GSA and trying to get to grips with it. I found that scraping with GSA was not producing very good results so I have bought a list and I have turned off scraping in GSA and am now trying just using the list.
I'm getting lots of submissions but very few verifications which is much like before. I'm seeing messages like this:
Loaded 2/52 URL's from site lists
Loaded 9/26 URL's from site lists
Loaded 0/0 URL's from site lists
Loaded 3/24 URL's from site lists
Could somebody explain how this works? I assume the 0/0 means that there are simply no sites for that particular engine but what about the others. If there are 52 sites, why does it only load 2 of them? Is that normal or is there a problem?
Many thanks!
yea all seems to be blocked in one or the other way. even if firewall is set to allow it, there can still be some anti virus program or other things blocking it. Im sorry but you have to check your connection more carefully.
Also maybe try to uncheck options->advanced->Detect internet connection problems and stop/restart projects