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5000 DpM and only 50 LpM - Is this normal?

Hello guys. I have a problem how`s GSA running on my dedicated server, with 1000 threads.

I have 5000 DpM and only 50 LpM, the VpM is also 30. How can i get higher LpM? The DpM is already very high, 5000 downloads per minute and GSA posts to only 50.


  • are u using a list or u let ser scrape and find targets to post to?
  • I`m using a verified list.
  • Maybe your overloading. Try to lower threads to 500 and see what it does.

    I get with 300 thread between 200 - 300 LPM with good list.

    So I guess either your setup is wrong or your list is crap .
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