Attention! No targets to post to (no site list enabled, no engines allowing url)
Not sure why I'm getting this. See the image below for my settings. Am I missing something? I don't want to use global lists to get links from as the site I'm building links to is in the same niche as another site I link to so I don't want to go out of my way to build a larger footprint there. But shouldn't GSA be able to find lots of Web 2.0 sites to build to using my keywords or am I missing something?

1. "Always use keywords to find target sites" is not really a good idea
2. You use only web2.0 sites where there is just one site to submit to. And as you do not use scheduled posting it is not building more links that the one try at startup.
I guess I'm just wondering what the ideal settings I should be using for a purely Web 2.0 campaign?
Thanks Sven, fast and awesome support as always.
I'm still a bit unclear as to how to setup my account if you see this and could answer my questions.
My campaign I've set up is building links to just a singular URL. I have one, 80% spun article I'm going to submit. I have one email associated with the domain I'm building links to.
Do I need more email addresses in that case? Don't the Web 2.0 engines just go ahead and create a single account/page per Web 2.0? If that's the case then do I need to fuss with "time to wait between posts" or having multiple email addresses?