Different use of %emailhost%
Is it possible to define my own list of emailhost in text file like names.dat and call it in my project with %emailhost% or for example %random_emailhost% ?
This would allow to define exactly what specific (or region specific) emailhosts user wants to use in its project. It's more universality for the software and probably for scripting.
It would be great because I have catchall email on my hosting therefore I have my own @myownemailhost.com. To get valid email address for my projects I have to combine names.dat file and my emailhost like this %spinfile-names.dat%@myownemailhost.com.
This would allow to define exactly what specific (or region specific) emailhosts user wants to use in its project. It's more universality for the software and probably for scripting.
It would be great because I have catchall email on my hosting therefore I have my own @myownemailhost.com. To get valid email address for my projects I have to combine names.dat file and my emailhost like this %spinfile-names.dat%@myownemailhost.com.
1. put all hosts in a file (one per line) and call it e.g. hosts.txt (put it in engines folder if you don't want to use a full path)
2. use ...@%spinfile-hosts.txt%
Thank you
Thanks again!