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Stupid question about building a big list from "verified" urls

I'm pretty sure that I already know the answer to this (stupid) question, but I am going to ask anyways :)

If I want to build a big list of url's that are going to have a good success rate, I should just combine all of my successful (VERIFIED) url's right?

But the question is this:

Do I have do do anything special to my "Verified" URL's? Or can I just copy/paste them as they are? IE: do I have to trim down the URL's and remove things like the usernames etc.?

For example, if my verified URL has a bunch stuff in it, like a forum profile username, do I have to remove that excess crap? Or can I just leave it as it is?

If I just build a big list from verified URL's, even if they are from different engines, GSA SER is still going to be able to handle that right? And I can just combine all the verified url's into one big text file list, and SER will know what to do with it, right?

Thanks :)


  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    Everything in the Verified folder is a successful URL. You don't have to remove anything to be able to use those .txt files. You could import them directly as text files, you could right click > Import from site lists (check only Verified) or do whatever with them.

    You will need to remove dupe URLs or dupe domains if you want a clean list.

    Also, it's important to know that a lot of your list will die quickly. Sites go up and down very quickly. I expect about 50%+ of my list to die after 7-10 days. It's important to always be harvesting and testing new URLs.
  • Can you combine them all into one big text file, even though they will be from different engines etc.?

    I'm sure that it doens't matter, but I figured I may as well ask.
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