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I've few working accounts How I can import in my project?


I have working accounts for ZenDesk sites that I've created manually. All working and allowing me to post articles.

How I can add these working accounts into my project?

I tried to add them manually in project files. but, only first submission goes successful, after that GSA try to register a new account again and again even I've ticked the option "only 1 account per site"

any help?


  • SvenSven

    import them using edit project->tools->import->account data

    file format would be normal text file with URL:login:PASSWORD each line.

  • thanks for the help, can you please let tell me where tools option is available? I am unalbe to find that.

    only this is required? URL:login:PASSWORD
    how GSA can check which account related to which engine?
  • SvenSven

    if you edit a project, you have a TOOLs button at the bottom on the left where the OK/Cancel button is. There you click Import->Accoutn data...


    The engine is not required as SER will download the URL, detect it and continue logging in and so on.

  • I've created a project to build verified backlinks list. then I've created an other project that will use only verified links.

    but, now, still only 30% are verified.

    and log shows that no engine match in many URLs.

    my question is: do SER again check and match the engine if I ask him to use only verified Links list? or it just use the links without checking and maching the engine?

  • SvenSven
    its always checking the url against known engines. If nothing is detected,t hen it's skipped. Do you think there is something wrong (URL is loading correctly in browser)?
  • I think it's not a good idea. if a link is alrready chekced and verified then disabling the checking can increase the success rate. It's my experience, 1 day ago those links were working. and after one day when I asked to use only verified URLs from the file. it has only 30--40% success with verified links. I will come with more specific study and examples in my next question. for now, can you please let me know where I can suggest a feature? Regards
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