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Can Scrape Facebook User Email?

Hi, can GSA ES scrape Facebook User Email? or anybody in this room done it? thanks


  • SvenSven
    It can login to facebook and scan for people leaving emails on there posts. But of course the email used for an account is not visible and scanable.
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    Hi boss thanks for answer,

    The basic concep is like here facebookidscraper[dot]com, as we know there a lot of potential people in FB. I hope you can add new features like this in GSA ES.
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    This is facebook ID Scraper , a software to search and extract unique user ID's from facebook pages(Exports ID's of people who have liked pages,commented or liked page posts),groups, posts and events to a CSV file and convert it to Facebook Emails.You can import Emails CSV easily to facebook power editor to get custom audience.
  • SvenSven
    convert ids back to emails...well I have my doubts that this is working. It would work then everyone on facebook is showing his email?
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    yes it working I test already or you can download and try their trial version. I think it's good for GSA ES if can scraper FB UID + convert ID to email.
  • What would be the advantage in having 1000s facebooks emails ? do they work for spam?
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    paquitao007 for custom audience FB ads or whatever you want :D
  • edited June 2016
    I bought the FB softwarein 2014 with the lifetime licence. Now It was updated and after update it ask me to pay 29 dollars but before I paid 50 dollars. I contacted the support already 5 times in last 2 weeks but they dont answer me and also not activate the tool What to do now?
    I don't see it very serious that they waiting that a pay again money for something i paid already.

    Or is there some another problem?
  • I have tried couple of time and my opinion is, it may be a waste of time.
  • edited October 2020
    Sven said:
    It can login to facebook and scan for people leaving emails on there posts. But of course the email used for an account is not visible and scanable.

    How can you login into a website with the spider?

    Never mind, I've found the answer on the manual.
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