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What percentage of verified links do you get from an imported verified list?

What's your success rate with verified lists?

I have imported 6 different verified lists that I found online into a dummy project, removed duplicate URLs and from remaining 214.000 unique URLs got only 432 verified links! That's only 0.2% success rate, so I guess that something is wrong with my SER setup, but can't figure out what.

I have checked ALL engines in the dummy project and I use 110 semi-dedicated proxies, Captcha Breaker and BanditIM.


  • You said you've "found online" the lists. It maybe means that you've found them for free somewhere, and if it's so that's the reason of your low success rate. All the lists you can find anywhere on internet for free (forums, websites, etc) for sure are extra-over-iper used, unless they are online just from few hours.

    If you buy a new fresh list, you can see the difference
  • @peterperseo - yes that's exactly what I did. But still, isn't my success rate too low?
  • If list is old it means that all those sites are heavy spammed by now, which leads to the fact that most of those sites have either been shut down either they changed their posting rules or they even switched to the another domain. 

    Old lists are worth anything.
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