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Reverified Links Count in the bar not updated


I was trying to re-verifiy links to remove the dead URLs. My initial thaught was the verified links folder will be free of dead urls and the cleanup will be universally reflected. However,

1) when I see the scree the verified links count is not updated. Is that normal?(see the screen capture for more infoimage)

2) Are the dead urls removed from verified folder too?


  • SvenSven

    1) fixed in next version. Very strange that this was not never seen before.

    2) you mean from the verified site lists? no, only from projects links.

  • Sven,

    thanks for point 1 fixes.

    regarding Point 2,

    I would like to grab the verified links in bulk to tweet the links for indexing purposes. So if the dead links are cleared from verified site lists, it will be fantastic.


    If you point me to the direction to grab links programmatically from a location, then that will be really great.

  • SvenSven
    you can simply select all wanted projects->right click->show urls->verified urls->select urls->right click->ping/index.
  • Sven, I wrote a program to tweet the urls. So if there any list available to fetch programmatically, then that will be wonderful.

  • SvenSven
    have a look into the app-data\projects\*.success << read that file and take out the URL per line and cut it after 0xff and you have what you want.
  • Thanks you so much sven,

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