Content for tier 1
Hi guys
I want my tier 1ns to look as natural as possible (DUH!), currently using iwriter then spinning it into sentance(3 alternatives) and word/phrase level with the best spinner. What do you guys do to setup your tier one?
How do you source generate/spin your content? (I dont need to know your secrets guys!

Setup the web 2.0 naturally? (can google detect the ip of where the site was setup if its done manually).
Going of the above article spin, how many time would you use this? Would it look natural on a whole host of web 2.0/article dir?
Should it go further and spin on Para level?
Can I setup gsa to post to manually setup web 2.0? blogs setup on numerous aged domains I have purchased?
Learning this process quickly and hope to give something back to the community sooner rather than later. Over the moon at how well supported this magic wand (software lol) is.
Here are a couple of good resources about web 2.0 and content creation...
Personally I hate spinning especially at the word level as it takes too much time. I spin at sentence level and use the content (UAW style) or I will create unique content for each web 2.0 post/blog.
I personally spin each sentence 3 times and then word spin manually. Its the UAW format and works good and the content is also readable and makes sense. I don't really do paragraph spinning (I use Leading Articles sometimes and they come with para, sentence and word level spinning).